BPG Token has been launched! Minting and distribution

Bitpost Governance Token is now live! In line with the roadmap, the entire supply was minted today, January 1, 2025. Tokens were successfully distributed to the initial community members, bringing us closer to realizing our vision of decentralized parcel delivery network. How to access your BPG tokens? If you participated in the BPG token public […]

BPG Token has been deployed – Development update #2

Ahead of the upcoming distribution of the Bitpost Governance Token (BPG) to the first members of the project community, we are excited to announce that, today, the smart contracts of BPG have been successfully deployed on the BPX Chain mainnet. The official contract address for the BPG token is 0xa3803769AD463004B1892fd29F25E4197906d70b. If you participated in the […]

Bitpost smart contract subsystems – Bitpost Internals #3

Smart contracts running on the blockchain are the most critical part of Bitpost. They control the complex business logic of the project, ensuring adherence to established rules by all users and protecting the platform against various violations. They must maintain high security and scalability, support future updates, and provide a great experience for both individual […]

BPG Token Presale: Round 2

The second round of the BPG Token Public Presale has begun. Round 2 runs from October 24 to November 24, with tokens available at a 10% discount – priced at 0.009 USDT. More details can be found on the dedicated presale page.